Saturday, August 31, 2013

Cos love is friendship.

All the characters and incidents mentioned are imaginary, resemblance to any person dead or alive is purely coincidental.

They knew they'd come a long way when they first saw each other. Two years down the line, they were best friends. And life was changing. She stood before the mirror, looking at her pale complexion, searching for an answer in those eyes that looked back at her. She felt empty.

She had agreed to be the maid of honor. She would do it for him. But something didn’t feel right. She didn’t agree with what was happening. The whole marriage was a bad idea. She had tried talking him out of it. But he was too love-drunk to notice. She hated that woman. Oh he could do so much better! That woman had no class, no values... why would he want to be associated with someone like that? Why was he being so pig-headed? Now she was starting to get annoyed with him. He had stopped hanging out with her the way he used to, he had stopped sharing things with her, stopped calling her…being the possessive thing that she was, she couldn’t come to terms with that change, even though she knew it was not a bad thing. It was all that woman’s fault.

There was a knock on the door; she had been expecting that. She opened the door, and seeing him standing there looking like a lost puppy made her smile. “Hey, there you are! How’s it going? 40 hours to go eh? Come on in..” “Do you really want to know? I don’t know. I am a mess. I am nervous. I don’t think I should do this. I don’t know. But I love her. But what if I can’t keep her happy forever? What if she can’t keep me happy forever? I don’t want this to be the biggest mistake of my life”

“Firstly, calm down. Also, there is a 50% chance of things going wrong in life. Doesn’t mean you stop living. You love her, now celebrate that love instead of being such a paranoid douchebag! Yes it is a risk to love, what if it doesn’t work out and all that. But when it does, it is the most beautiful thing in the world. You need to take the risk to find out”
“I hate it when you start making sense. Ok then I have to go, my suit’s here and I was too nervous to even try it on. I’ll meet you at the rehearsal”

She loved these random conversations with him. For a few minutes things would be dead serious, and then he would walk out like nothing had ever happened. Typical. And just as he was about to walk out the door, she did something she had never done in the last 2 years of knowing him- she reached up and hugged him. He was shocked for a second, but he got over it and held her close. It felt comfortable, it felt right..more than anything else, it felt complete. They must have stayed that way for 2 seconds, 2 min or 2 hours, they couldn’t tell. All that they knew was that the world would not be the same once they broke apart, and that they didn’t want this moment to pass.
She let go of him first..there was an awkward pause. She looked up at him, and he leant in for a kiss. It was short, sweet, and passionate. This time she didn’t let go. She held him close and kissed him like she had never kissed anyone before. This love was the only one that mattered at that moment. Love that had grown tired of waiting. Gentle patient love.

When they parted, they knew things had changed. While he walked back to his room, she looked at herself in the mirror- the color has returned to her cheeks, her eyes seemed lively. She stared back into those eyes, this time finding an answer to all the questions that she had.

Love was indeed friendship set on fire.

Real eyes. Real lies.

Why is it that some of us give so much? We just GIVE. Some people give more than others. Some don’t show it, others do. Some don’t give at all. Why can't things ever be balanced?

We would do anything to keep them happy, go out of our way to make them feel special, and what do we get in return? “All right I am not in the mood for gossip is there anything else that you want to say or can I carry on with my work?” or “yeah ok” or “why do you care” or “stop being boring” And because we know this is how they are, we learn to deal with this. And then they take us for granted. All of them. They know you will get over the shock of being snapped at/shouted at/laughed at, and will bounce back to being the happy hyper bunny self of yours. I am sorry, NOT ANYMORE. So what, are we weak 'cos we display our emotions? (Maybe you were so caught up in yourself that you missed the whole outburst)What makes you think you know me so well? What makes you think I am a helpless soul begging to be rescued? What makes you think I cannot make my own decisions? What makes you think YOU can take my decisions for me? What makes you think you know what my problems are? What makes you think you can say whatever it is that you want to, and get away with it? What makes you think I am going to buy all the holier than thou nonsense that you are so full of? What makes you think demeaning others and laughing at them makes you better than others?

Sometimes, all we need is some credit. Some acknowledgement for being there. We don’t demand it 24x7, but it feels good to know that you feel we are worth it. Sometimes, we want their tough cold exterior to break down and be with us for who they truly are. Sometimes we just want them to know that we are not fine. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

You said you'd never be all the things that you see

Everybody is fighting a battle. 

Do you ever just feel like the world is passing you by?  Maybe it is just because I feel so trapped in this prison I am living in but I feel like I can look out and see the world just flying by me. Like the blur of time will just flash by and my consciousness will just slow into nothingness. 

Look at me..flying high, free from the mundane issues of your daily life. Look at me gliding along effortlessly, being on my own. I sit on my branch all afternoon, with that staunch nobility I have learned to master. I sit there observing the whole universe, looking at those that try to invade my personal space. I look at one small bit in particular, struggling through the strong winds, making his way towards my tree. "Come join me", I dare him. I see him choose a lower branch, I see him look up at me. I can sense the fear, and it satisfies me. I continue looking out at the horizon, observing the others- chirping and squawking all day. And I judge. 

And I can't stop Wine-ing.

This night is not one that I am likely to forget very easily- exciting company, stimulating conversations, free alcohol. Sounds perfect, doesn't it? In a few ways, maybe it was.

On a warm Friday evening, the air was filled with a refreshing sense of tranquil as I walked into the Terttulia Restaurant and Bar at Koregaon Park after a long day at work. Under the blanket of stars, in one of the quieter locations of the city, the calm atmosphere brought back a feeling of exhilaration; I could predict that in this perfect setting, I would be a part of an extraordinary experience. 
The inauguration of Myra Vineyards at Pune was an enriching experience, where I came across the most sterling personalities while I sipped on unique, uncomplicated wines.

The soft music, pleasant to the ear added on to the serenity at Terttulia. I chose to sit at a table closer to the calm, near the entrance and the wine counter in order to have an ideal atmosphere to taste the wine. As the night progressed I realized this was a good decision after all! 

The first wine I tried was Chenin Blanc, a slightly acidic or crisp white wine, light bodied, rich with tropical flavour. It was accompanied with a variety of starters- the soft, delicate and creamy chicken tapenade cooked perfectly, giving just the right flavours to the palette; traditional cheese balls with a lamb twist served with the mint sauce; the sweet and sour Rosemary potato skins, and the extra meaty meatballs with a hint of ham.

The second wine I tasted was the Myra Shiraz, a medium bodied and tropical red wine which works best with cheese. The appetizers fit perfectly with the flavours of the gold medalist wine. I observed more people walking in to the restaurant, making the atmosphere livelier, preparing everyone for the coming weekend. Few of them were Monica, Imrun and Ajay; yes, the atmosphere did get glamorous too! 

One of the men in the crowd, standing out with his charming appearance was Ajay Shetty, Managing Director of Myra wines. I was privileged to have a short interview with him where he told me more about himself, and his product.

Ajay Shetty worked as a Banker at Hong Kong, where he acquired a taste for wine. He pursued his masters in Computer Science in New York City. Being passionate about agri-business, he knew that with the opportunity to have tasted different types of cuisines and wines, he could make a career out of it. On returning to India, he worked on his passion, and in February 2013, he introduced Myra wines to the market. 
The concept of Myra is to ‘Experiment’ where wine does not have to be complicated; the beauty lies in its simplicity. Bridging the generation gap, this wine can be enjoyed by all. First timers could enjoy uncomplicated wine, one of its kind and develop a taste for it. Even experienced wine connoisseurs complimented the unique concept, along with the taste of the wines that Myra offers.

The Myra Vineyards, with its headquarters at Bengaluru, have successfully attracted a large audience to their unique, yet charming product. Myra wine would be equivalent to the oyster with a pearl; it’s matchless taste and concept is what makes the wine truly beautiful. 

All in all, the event was a success, providing the perfect setting, with the right people for tasting the exclusive wine. It was a night to remember, one with its own charm and one which was a perfect way to walk into (or start) the weekend.

Evolution- I am Me.

As random as this may sound, I feel evolved. It's been a long, depressing process, but I know I'm a much stronger person than what I was yesterday. I also feel like a 100 years old, but I couldn't really care about that. Here’s sharing some of the “enlightenment”, hoping to make a difference -

1. Exs are idiots, and there is no need for you to stay in touch with them. You might have moved on in life, good for you. You can ignore the awkward moments, extremely good for you. But hey, ever stopped to think about their side of it? They claim to have moved on- note that this only refers to their emotional state, and has NOTHING to do with their mental growth. So lay off, you ain’t getting nowhere with this. They are still stuck in 2009, with the same friends and same “aims” in life. Trust me- they do not add value to your life, let go. #truestory

2. If cheated by someone, ignoring them is the best possible way to make them feel TERRIBLE about themselves. Let them cry, let them stalk you, let them try to get your attention, LET THEM. And then ignore them. The frustration they feel feels sweeter than victory. #truestory

3. There is no reason you need to be insecure. It is absolutely all right to have 3 close friends, you are much better off than those who have a million acquaintances and no friends.

4. That feeling when you feel like cooking for someone other than yourself? That, I believe, is love. And I, my friends, am in love *sigh*

5. Long distance relationships are difficult cos we make them so. Agreed, we freak out and go through our moments of insecurities. But nothing is so difficult if you know what you want. Life is not what it was when you were 18, things change at 24. Hold on, have faith.

6. Believe in your dreams. And by this I mean literally- believe in your dreams. Maintain a dream diary, note down the “objects” in your dreams. It will help, trust me. #truestory

7. Speak your mind. Don’t let people walk over you. It’s never too late to change your attitude.

8. Travel.

9. Get out of your comfort zone- live.

10. Celebrate everyday- celebrate who you are.

It feels good to be this confident and positive about life, and I genuinely want to share this happiness. Hope I helped.


Dear Diary, I can be random.

So here's something I found from my previous blog, something from a different era altogether,something I feel MUST be a part of this one too. Just another day in this oh-so-ordinary life.

I am in a love- hate relationship with my job. But then who isn't? In a way, it’s fun. It’s exciting seeing a campaign go live, it’s exciting seeing things being created from scratch, it’s fun seeing results (good or bad), and it’s immensely satisfying seeing it end. I guess it’s just the way I am, I love planning and organizing stuff. I like it when there’s a plan in my head, I like it when I am in control of things. Plus working at an agency always sounded like fun. Don’t get me wrong here- I like working there and all that, but it isn't that cool or laid back. No we don’t play foosball in our free time (instead, we take chai-breaks and gossip about WORK, and/or personal life crises), we do not drink at work, we do not play edm all day, and we most definitely do not have hot men/women coming up with ground breaking campaign ideas every now and then…you get the point, right? I work in a regular office, with regular people, and even though I enjoy it, it gets to me sometimes.

1. Like when someone who understands NOTHING about technology tries teaching me my job- sorry for the language but the bitch has had it for sure!!!! I will be patient, but I will get my revenge. I will.

2. Like when someone who understands nothing about client servicing starts talking like she owns the company/understands our job—it’s downhill from here bro. You have been warned.

Yes I am a bit egoistic when it comes to this, but then why shouldn’t I be? I haven’t done my MBA for nothing. I cannot tolerate being treated like this. I have a life outside of work too, and I shall continue to live that. We gotta draw the line somewhere, or else they hold onto that one weakness of ours (yes, dedication is a weakness) and then start the emotional blackmailing.Too many good people are wasting their time here I feel. No appreciation for the hard work we put in, no acknowledgement, nothing. Apparently all that we do is make sure the campaign is going well by giving other people a whole lot of work which is not humanly possible. I don’t even know what to say to this anymore. This place isn’t meant for nice people, period.
So this was work. I came home feeling dejected and super annoyed. Snapped at my mother for no reason. Grumpy in general.  Boyfriend didn't call/text today. Then I decided to take a shower, to calm myself down.

And while in the shower I realized there is absolutely no reason for me to feel this way. Why should I depend on my boyfriend to call me? If he wants to, he will. No point crying. Why let people take you for granted? Why feel that way??? Why be dependent on others? Eleanor Roosevelt once said- No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” And that is a 100 percent true. Why feel low ‘cos nobody is there when you actually need them there, especially when they have a choice? Why do this to yourself? Why let work get to you? Take charge, and bring on the bitch!!!

Yeah, I guess I feel better now. And nobody but I am responsible for this. So here’s to me!!!

Have a laugh- at yourself.

An interesting article I managed to stumble upon while aimlessly reading vague, philosophical (apparently self-help)articles on the internet. There is a lot of self pity, a lot we blame ourselves for. Which is why the following provides for a very interesting read.

1. What’s important today won’t matter tomorrow
Yeah, so you got a problem. Most problems can be safely ignored. You’ll be amazed how often they sort themselves out.
And the gravity of any given problem is inversely proportional to the hour of the day. At three in the morning, you’ve got an insurmountable issue. After four whiskeys and cokes at nine in the evening, you haven’t even got an inkling of a problem.

2. Everybody else is furiously improvising, so you can too 
Fake it till you make it!

3. Nobody thinks about you as much as you think about you.
Really. They don’t. For example, I’m not thinking about you now. But I bet you are.

4. It’s OK to piss people off
But if you’re pissing everybody off, all the time, it’s time to quit being...annoying.

5. Aspiration is for suckers

6. Nobody tells all the truth, all the time
So lower your expectations of people. When put in a spot, people fib.

7. Life doesn’t get better – only your perception of life improves

8. Your family comes first, but not to the detriment of everything else
You want to go out with the girls? Tell your husband to make his own dinner. And gents, you don’t need permission for that once-a-year trip to Vegas, you just need to communicate it properly.

9. You’re wrong as often as you’re right
So don’t dwell on either.

10. Men should never wear wigs

Hope you are feeling happier after reading this. Makes you laugh, doesn't it? Being so shallow in life,thinking about your problems and blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong, right?The effects are temporary though. You’ll forget about this once you log off, lie down, allow yourself to think..oh those crazy times when sleep wouldn’t come. Sheesh, is there no way out of this? Now I’m afraid I might start rambling. I take your leave.


Hello there!!!

Welcome to my webspace. Welcome to a world full of vague, random, nonsensical ramblings about the little things in life. Colors, ocean, travel, food, zodiacs, photos,love, friends and family - life is beautiful. 

And here's a little about myself-

1. A typical Taurean, I am stubborn, independent, and surprisingly introverted.
2. I hate being the centre of attention.
3. An Army brat, and proud of it.
4. Geek is my type- Guys who can talk about anything under the sun. Guys who can make me laugh.
5. I judge people within 5 minutes of meeting them. And I hate almost all of them.
6. I am an MBA in Marketing. Honestly, I feel MBA is over-rated.
7. My style – (if not tomboy)- Boho.  I love colours. I love psychedelic prints.
8. I love food. And travelling.
9.I wish I had more money, I could travel the world, eat…yeah that’s about it.
10. I hate shopping.
11. I am scared of animals. I find dogs cute, but that’s about it.
12. I love swimming. I love the water. I secretly feel I might be related to Poseidon.
13. My dream job? Anything related to food and travel. Anything.
14. I believe in fate.
15. I believe in love. Deep down, I love being cheesy.
16. I love baking
17. I cant sing or dance. Though I would love to do an item number once before I die.
18. I quit drinking on 17 Aug 2013. And this time for good.
19.  If I could, I would laze around at home all day. Free-lancing is my ideal career option.
20. I need Goa. That's just how I am. I NEED the sea.

Have a wonderful experience here, and feel free to leave your opinion.