Thursday, August 29, 2013

Have a laugh- at yourself.

An interesting article I managed to stumble upon while aimlessly reading vague, philosophical (apparently self-help)articles on the internet. There is a lot of self pity, a lot we blame ourselves for. Which is why the following provides for a very interesting read.

1. What’s important today won’t matter tomorrow
Yeah, so you got a problem. Most problems can be safely ignored. You’ll be amazed how often they sort themselves out.
And the gravity of any given problem is inversely proportional to the hour of the day. At three in the morning, you’ve got an insurmountable issue. After four whiskeys and cokes at nine in the evening, you haven’t even got an inkling of a problem.

2. Everybody else is furiously improvising, so you can too 
Fake it till you make it!

3. Nobody thinks about you as much as you think about you.
Really. They don’t. For example, I’m not thinking about you now. But I bet you are.

4. It’s OK to piss people off
But if you’re pissing everybody off, all the time, it’s time to quit being...annoying.

5. Aspiration is for suckers

6. Nobody tells all the truth, all the time
So lower your expectations of people. When put in a spot, people fib.

7. Life doesn’t get better – only your perception of life improves

8. Your family comes first, but not to the detriment of everything else
You want to go out with the girls? Tell your husband to make his own dinner. And gents, you don’t need permission for that once-a-year trip to Vegas, you just need to communicate it properly.

9. You’re wrong as often as you’re right
So don’t dwell on either.

10. Men should never wear wigs

Hope you are feeling happier after reading this. Makes you laugh, doesn't it? Being so shallow in life,thinking about your problems and blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong, right?The effects are temporary though. You’ll forget about this once you log off, lie down, allow yourself to think..oh those crazy times when sleep wouldn’t come. Sheesh, is there no way out of this? Now I’m afraid I might start rambling. I take your leave.


1 comment:

  1. 7. Life doesn’t get better – only your perception of life improves - This is so very much true! The best point i personally could relate to. Thanks!
