Thursday, January 2, 2014

When I hate, I HATE.

So my friend sends me across a link, asking me to "HATE the guy". Well, I don't really get all badass for no reason, so thought I will read it when I get some free time. But I froze when I saw the link-


Well, it took me 5 seconds to read that idiotic article, and by the end of it my blood was BOILING. I quickly noted down what I had to say. OBVIOUSLY, he hasn't allowed me to publish my comment, so here is what I have to say-

Hello there. you seem to be quite an attention seeker. One piece of advice- if your relationships go wrong, kindly refrain from stereotyping. Here is what I would like to say-
1. Defense is supposed to have a lot of discipline, uncommon in “civilians”. But you still have to see a single defense kid who has disciplined in their lives- Okay then. Hi there, I am an Army kid, and I wake up at 6 every morning. I run 5km every day, and swim a km too if the weather permits. I reach my office on time, have lunch on time, and sleep by 11pm every night. Oh also, I don’t drink or smoke. And I know many others who don’t.
2. They party a lot- Okay then, I know a lot of us who don’t. We’d rather catch up for coffee, or meet for drinks TWICE a month. Don’t know which small town are you coming from to have labelled that as “partying”
3. Drinking alcohol and smoking might be seen normal. You said- “They seem to stretch the point both ways – if they do or if they don’t – Really I don’t give a rat’s ass!” -  If you don’t, why would you write this blog in the first place genius?
4. Since their dads get transferred a lot, they understand other different cultures better. To which you had to say- “They don’t! They live in their own communities of other Army families, so they never understand anything. They seem to be isolated from the rest!”-   I’ll tell you something here – we make friends all over the country. AND stay in touch with them for the rest of our lives. We don’t stereotype people this easily, we ain’t this SHALLOW bro. We learn to adapt, something you obviously haven’t learnt.
5. They hang out with Defense kids who “understand”. And you said- “They tend to be a little snobbish/arrogant but for obviously no reason!”-  OBVIOUSLY genius, if this is what you think of them, I am not surprised that none of them have tried being your friend.
Wake up you poor little oblivious child. None of us show off our “drinking and smoking capabilities” In fact, it is YOU guys who make a big deal about the cheap alcohol that we get. Honestly, NONE of us care, we are way beyond that. Also, the “how we need to deal with them” part made no sense. Were you dropped on the head when you were a child? Have your folks read this piece of shit that you call literature gold? If they are still proud of you, I don’t have much to say about them either. YES, I shall get personal, cos YOU have gone personal with a LOT of kids here. Tell me honestly, this was to get the attention that you have always been denied of, right?
Hope you have managed to learn something since 2009. I hope you were a 12 year old when you wrote this, cos I honestly don’t want to believe people so shallow and stupid even exist.
Also, funny as you might find it, I am an Army kid, and am in love with a guy who is currently a Capt in the Indian Army. And, most of my friends are Army officers too.
Laugh away my boy. Oh yeah, hope you have a delightful Arranged Marriage.

Geez. This feels good.



  1. Very nicely compiled, it was just like a cleaning process, very clear picture about our respected and brave army families. Kudos to words. Brilliant usage
    -twitter follower

  2. :) Thank you :) It was just something I penned down in absolute fury. I understand stereotypes are for a reason, and that this guy has made all the Army brats sound like "sluts" (sorry for lack of a better word), and I have made it sound like we are all saints. No, there are some of each type, obviously some in the middle. But hey, this guy should have not vented out his "relationship failures" on the whole lot.

  3. Protima darling, proud of you dear..! Inspired by you, I too blasted him on the face.. Here's the message I sent him [even his insane mind would not allow him to publish this comment!!]:-

    " we know why you were dumped..! Word of advice: DO NOT date any other defense chick coz guess what, you may not live to tell the tale. We may forgive, but we never forget. And with your misogynist-ic pea sized brain, I doubt any free-spirited, sane civilian would date you as well.. Trust me, arranged marriage is your only hope!! #GodSpeed"

    1. Thank you babe.

      MCPs like him will never really find peace in this world, he will always have someone who will hate him. Feel sorry for the girl who's getting married to him.

    2. I guess we are too late..he wrote this in 2009..must have been married by now [or even divorced, coz well you know he is a nutcase!] That's what scares me most about arranged marriages.. You really don't know who you are going to end up with.. If I get stuck with such a retard, my dear, I will end up shooting myself in the head. Pun not intended!! Pray for me..please!

    3. Aww man, don't be mad. You won't get a retard, you're way too smart to get into that. Things work out, just like magic ^_^ You deserve someone good, and you will get him. It's worth the wait #TrueStory

  4. I dated a Navy guy for 2.5 years before breaking-up last year. I studied in an Air Force school throughout childhood and adolescence. I have Civil Services officers for parents. I am well aware of both the 'defense' environment and the 'civilian' environment and the stereotypes regarding both.
    What I have realised is the pride I feel regarding my country and I attribute that to my Air Force schooling; it has instilled pride in me for my country and the way things worked out there (discipline, sense of belonging) was vastly different from the DPS I attended for the last 2 years of my schooling and from thereon, I appreciated my ex-school so much more.
    My relationship ended up extremely bitter but to this day, I feeI it is stupid to stereotype his background. If anything, dating a guy with a different background (and specially a defense one) than mine made me know so much more about the world and the same goes for him too. We appreciated each other more since we were so different (clearly, that diluted, because we broke up :/). Yes, he has friends and I have friends from my school to which all of those blog-mentioned rules apply, but then again, why stereotype? I have many 'civilian' friends to whom the same attributes would apply.
    And also, I never really get the whole categorization of people into 'Defense' and 'Civilian' backgrounds. What is the need, anyway? I have Government Officers for parents, do I need to make another category for myself and the likes to explain how different my growing-up was too? Stereotyping is bull and it goes both ways, sadly.
    The blog post that guy wrote clearly tells us what is wrong with the world, not 'civilians' especially, because, and I hope you do agree, there'll be 'defense' kids out there writing something exactly like this for the 'civilians'.
